join in on a meowrvelous time with two fun stamp rallies!!

shine bright with the
☀️💖 meowgical light ☀️💖
stamp rally!!
soar high in the stars with the
🌠💜 meowjestic night 🌠💜
stamp rally!!

visit some amazing artists, fulfill the requirements to get each stamp,
collect all the stamps and redeem a super awesome prize - an EXCLUSIVE sticker sheet AND chunky prize pack
available for each rally!!

complete BOTH light and dark rallies and get a very, very, special and limited lanyard in collaboration with artist from both rallies — that’s 15 of us … W O W!!

thanks for joining us and having a meowy fun time!!

HOW TO FIND US!! maps & artist list

PRIZES - an exclusive sticker sheet and prize pack for each rally!!